Rereading my own series on a sunny day #fantasy #youngadult #comingofage

I’m about 50,000 words from finishing the final book in the Fury of a Rising Dragon series, so I’m taking a break from writing to read over the series. This is something I also did with The Arinthian Line to ensure that all plot points get wrapped up. Don’t worry, this is factored into the writing timeline and we are still on schedule for a December launch. Taking extensive notes and enjoying the sunshine.
(Can anyone spot Buddha in the photo?)

Kindle ebook of Burden’s Edge is on sale for $0.99 for first time ever

BE bun.JPG

If you know someone who’s looking to start a new adventure, let them know that for the first time ever, the kindle version of Burden’s Edge (Fury of a Rising Dragon, book 1) is on sale in the U.S. for only $0.99 cents on Amazon. But you’ll have to hurry because the sale expires early Wednesday morning.

#epicfantasy #fantasybooks #fantasyfiction #youngadult #comingofage #yalit #epicreads #yabooks #fantasynovel #booksale #bookdeal #ebooksale #kindledeals #amazonkindle #kindlebargain #kindle

Happy holidays from Augum, Bridget and Leera!

Fantasy books cat coming of age fantasy epic fantasy series young adult fantasy novels
Buddha, the Arinthian house cat, treads on Burden’s Edge in search of a hidden treat.

Happy holidays! Four quick things:

#1. I’ve recently updated the site with new resources for readers, including Fury of a Rising Dragon series lore like Augum, Bridget and Leera’s school timetables, the Arcaner Code of Honor, a photos section, lists of spells and simuls etc. The big question now is, what sorts of things would you like to eventually see on the site? Reply to this post with any thoughts.

#2. Augum, Bridget and Leera are having a heck of a time in book three of Fury of a Rising Dragon, including attending their first official academy dance! Some old faces make a return in this book, as well as a venerable institution that’s been a favorite with you guys. The book is coming along swimmingly, and I cannot wait for you to delve into the adventure next year.

#3. If you know someone with a kindle who you think would enjoy The Arinthian Line, the ebook version of Arcane is on sale for $0.99 cents in the U.S. and the U.K for a short time. I’ve made a Facebook post announcing the sale on my author page in case you feel like sharing it.

#4. I’ve recently joined Instagram! You can follow me here (or just search for Sever Bronny).

Thoughts? Questions? Just reply back to this email. I read and try to respond to everyone :)


“I am unimpressed. Why you no give more treats?”

Honor’s Price (Fury of a Rising Dragon, book 2) has launched!


When a cunning enemy enslaves the kingdom, a famed warlock-knight must survive a gauntlet of perils to save his people.

Augum Stone is only sixteen and already a legend. He heard his name chanted in the arena by tens of thousands. He vanquished a notorious tyrant and ended a war. And he revived a warlock-knight order that lay dormant for generations.

But these feats came with a price—he needs combat to feel alive, to test his limits.

As Augum struggles with restraint, a callous enemy kingdom enslaves his people. And that enemy wants more than mere control—they’re searching for an ancient weapon with which to conquer Sithesia.

Now, with the future of all the kingdoms at stake, Augum and his friends must cobble together lost historical clues to find the weapon before the enemy does. Standing in the way is a manipulative prince, a traitorous nobility, a vengeful

rival . . . and Augum’s own reckless nature.
* * *
This launch marks three years of full-time writing. Three years. In total, I published seven books, stacking up to 1.24 millions words. I am grateful to you, dear reader. And I am grateful to my amazing wife, who believed in my writing when she could have easily told me, after I had already failed in making a living in my music career, that I should be more practical. Yet she pushed me to see where it goes, knowing I was having a blast writing.

And I’m still having a blast writing (thank you, my love!).

Many of you have written me wonderful heartfelt letters expressing your love for the trio’s journey. You have motivated me to give it my all with this work, which has been a year in the making. It’s a big book—230,000 words / 634 paperback pages, almost as long as Legend. In this new chapter in their lives, our illustrious trio find themselves embroiled in a new adventure—one of courage, determination, and especially, growth.

Thank you for supporting my work—it means more than you know :)

Now on the book. The kindle version can be purchased from Amazon HERE. The paperback version can be found HERE.

Enjoy the adventure, and I’d love to hear your thoughts when you’re done reading.

All my best to you and those you love,


Meeting a reader


The other day my wife and I met Claire, a fourteen-year-old fan of The Arinthian Line, as well as her wonderful parents, one of whom also read the books. Her mother told me Claire “fell in love with reading” because of the series.

I don’t get to meet readers often, but to meet one who began a grand adventure into the world of books because of my work . . . well, it was truly a special occasion.

Thank you Claire, Lembit and Melanie for reaching out :)

Title of book one of coming trilogy announced

Short but exciting update: the first draft of book one in the coming new series is almost complete, and it’s name is BURDEN’S EDGE.

It’s about Augum, Bridget and Leera dealing with the responsibilities of going to the Academy of Arcane Arts while navigating royal intrigues.

Unfortunately, that’s all I can say at the moment

The series title will not be announced for some time still and is expected to be a trilogy. Projected release date for book one is late this year.

In unrelated news, here’s a shot of me celebrating Clash’s admittance to the local library, which happened last Thursday.


Lastly, I just wanted to thank my Advance Reader Team for taking the time to read and review the books prior to launch. Thank you a thousand times over :)

Hope you’re all well :)


Legend (The Arinthian Line, book 5) RELEASED!

fantasy coming of age dragon quest prince castle spell sword and sorcery magic witch wizard warlock hero action adventure thriller war undead love fun epic mystery saga series like myth hero ages story mage strong male lead youth teen teenage ya young adult childrens kids ten eleven twelve thirteen year old boys girls about paperback novel 10 11 12 13 14 15
Legend (The Arinthian Line, book 5)

Are you ready for Augum, Bridget and Leera’s grand finale? I hope so, because Legend (The Arinthian Line, book 5) has officially released! Wow, I simply cannot believe I finally get to say that. I’ve been positively giddy with excitement in anticipation of this day.

The Arinthian Line spans almost a million words, has been years in the making, became an Amazon bestseller, and was the most challenging and rewarding undertaking of my life.

But this victory is not just mine—it is yours as well. You supported and encouraged me, and it meant a lot, more than you know.

“So where is it already?” I hear you asking. Legend can be found HERE on Amazon.

ADDITIONAL NEWS: Arcane (The Arinthian Line, book 1) will be on sale for only 99 cents until January 20th, so if you know anyone you think would enjoy the series, give them a heads up. :)

As to the paperback for Legend


…it should be up any time now on Amazon (if it’s not, you can order the paperback direct from the printer HERE). Sometimes it takes a few days for it to show up on on Amazon, so hang in there. :)

The book is so big (it’s 243,000 words, 20% longer than Clash) that it barely squeaked by the max of 740 paperback pages in length!

The official Arinthian house cat wondering what all the fuss is about:

I cannot thank you enough for joining me on this epic journey. I’ll get to work on a new series as soon as possible (hints on that can be found in Legend). In the meantime, thank you from the bottom of my heart, and enjoy the book!

